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[Translate to englisch:] Schmerztherapie am UKR


Pain management

Outpatient pain clinic

In our outpatient pain clinic we treat patients with chronic and acute pain. In addition to medical treatment, we also offer psychological and physiotherapeutic procedures for pain therapy. Close collaborations exists in particular with the departments of trauma surgery, neurosurgery, and psychiatry for the optimal care of pain patients.

We host a monthly interdisciplinary pain conference together with other hospitals.


Center for Interdisciplinary Pain Therapy (CIS)


  • If you would like to present to our pain clinic, please contact the following:

    Outpatient Pain Clinic

    Preparation of the first appointment

    You will receive a questionnaire from us which you should fill in and send back to us.

    Please enclose copies of all relevant doctor's letters and reports from the previous five years with this questionnaire.

    Please make sure to be as clear as possible about your current medication.

    First appointment

    After reviewing this questionnaire, an outpatient initial presentation will be agreed with you. At this appointment, you will be seen and examined by one of our pain doctors, a pain psychologist, and a physiotherapist. Please allow about three to four hours for this appointment. We ask you to bring a letter of referral written by your family doctor for the first presentation in our outpatient pain clinic.

    The services of our pain clinic are covered by all private and statutory health insurance funds.

  • Our outpatient pain clinic provides therapy for patients with more than three to six months of chronic pain. Typically, we will demand a thorough prior diagnostic work-up to exclude any conditions that may require intervention. Patients with specific pain conditions´ such as CRPS or post-zoster neuralgia may present during the acute or subacute stage and will receive treatment as soon as possible.

    If you would like to present a patient to our outpatient pain clinic or for inpatient treatment, please contact the following:

    Outpatient Pain Clinic

    Please feel free to contact us if you'd like to discuss a specific case or a special procedure face-to-face with a pain medicine specialist.

    Once registered, patients will receive a questionnaire from us which they should fill in and return to us. All relevant findings from the last five years should be included here. After reviewing the questionnaire, an appointment for initial presentation will be agreed with the patient. For this appointment, the patient needs a letter of referral for pain therapy.