Departments and centres
Tumour conferences
Every tumour conference is made up of doctors from the attending clinic and the specialist departments involved in the treatment, such as radiology, pathology, or radiation therapy. In this way, each individual case is discussed in a multi-professional manner, from diagnosis to treatment recommendation.
All treatment partners and all referring colleagues can take part in the conference at any time and also present their own patients. To do so, please contact the respective tumour conference secretary’ office that you would like to attend, preferably no later than the day before the conference. For patient presentation, a DICOM format imaging study is usually required, as well as the most recent findings. Tumour conferences are held on a weekly basis. The outcome of the tumour conference is discussed and implemented with the patient in the clinic providing care. In addition, the treatment recommendation from the tumour conference is recorded in the doctor's letter and documented in the clinical cancer registry with the patient's consent.