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Clinic and Policlinic for Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine

Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine

Sleep medicine / snoring

Snoring and nocturnal breathing interruptions (sleep apnoea) are not only annoying, they can also be an indication of a serious illness associated with a narrowing of the upper airways. As part of our sleep medicine consultation, we offer an outpatient sleep examination and professional therapy: from CPAP to tongue pacemakers. You are in the best hands at the Sleep Medicine (Rhonchology) Department of the Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic at the UKR.

Outpatient sleep examination

We offer an outpatient sleep examination and corresponding therapies as part of our sleep medicine consultation. We also have our own places in the sleep laboratory under the direction of Prof, Dr Michael Arzt.


If necessary, we initiate treatment after a comprehensive consultation: from positioning aids and the insertion of a bite splint to surgical treatment.

Profound sleep-related breathing disorders require further examination in a sleep laboratory. Our clinic is part of the interdisciplinary sleep medicine centre at the Regensburg District Hospital and is therefore able to establish the right connections quickly. In most cases, nocturnal breathing pauses are successfully treated with positive pressure mask ventilation (CPAP).

Not all patients tolerate CPAP therapy. In this case, the tongue pacemaker is a possible alternative. This so-called hypoglossal nerve stimulation is the latest treatment method for patients with moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnoea. The tongue pacemaker prevents the tongue from falling back into the throat and thus prevents breathing interruptions during sleep. 

More information about the tongue pacemaker

Kontakt & Sprechstunde

Stellen Sie Schnarchen oder Atemaussetzer im Schlaf fest? Dann vereinbaren Sie gerne einen Termin in unserer ambulanten schlafmedizinischen Sprechstunde.

Terminvereinbarung Schlafmedizin: 

Prof. Dr. Vielsmeier / Dr. René Fischer
0941 944-9442