In the field of rheumatology and clinical immunology, we treat the whole spectrum of rheumatic and immunological diseases. Most of our examinations and therapies are carried out on an outpatient basis at the university outpatient clinic in our rheumatology day clinic. In the case of complex diseases and extensive diagnostics and therapy, inpatient treatment at the clinic and polyclinic for internal medicine I or the clinic for rheumatology / clinical immunology at the Asklepios Clinic Bad Abbach may also be necessary.
In addition to established diagnostic procedures, we also use modern diagnostic methods. These include the following examination methods
We use the full range of conventional and innovative medical and instrumental therapies, including
We are a cooperation partner of the Working Group of Regional Cooperative Rheumatism Centres (AGRZ) within the German Society for Rheumatology (DGRh). This network consists of 27 regional rheumatology centres. Its primary aim is to improve medical care for patients with rheumatic diseases.
We are also active in the "Rheumatology" competence network as one of seventeen participating centres. As part of the European Network for Scleroderma (EUSTAR) and the German Network for Systemic Scleroderma (DNSS) we are also involved in patient care and research. Research work is also being carried out as part of the German-Endocrine-Brain-Immune-Network (GEBIN).
In addition to caring for our patients and conducting research, we place particular emphasis on providing competent training for students and medical specialists.
Together with the clinic and polyclinic for internal medicine I, the clinic for rheumatology/clinical immunology at Asklepios Klinikum Bad Abbach forms the Rheumatology Centre Regensburg-Bad Abbach, which is represented in the Working Group of Cooperative Rheumatology Centres in the German Society for Rheumatology ( In addition to joint patient care, there is close cooperation in clinical and basic research activities, in the training of internal medicine and rheumatology students at the University of Regensburg, and in the training of doctors in rheumatology and clinical immunology.
Specialised patient care
It is particularly important to us that patients with acute conditions are seen in our outpatient clinics without significant delay. In the event of serious problems occurring outside consultation hours, any patient can present themselves at our interdisciplinary emergency department. We also offer special consultations for patients with early arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, scleroderma or the desire to have children. Patients on clinical trials are seen in our outpatient clinic.
Monday to Friday: 8:00 am to 12:00 pm by arrangement
Please register via the outpatient specialist care centre in Bad Abbach: +499405 1822-19
Facharzt für Innere Medizin und Rheumatologie