Approximately five to six million Germans suffer from asthma. Around ten percent of asthmatics have a significantly reduced quality of life.
Bronchial thermoplasty in severe asthma
The Pneumology Outpatient Clinic of the Department of Internal Medicine II is one of the few German clinics to offer bronchial thermoplasty for patients with severe and persistent asthma. This procedure is suitable for asthma patients who have exhausted all drug therapies and innovative biological therapies without significant effect.
The procedure involves three 30-minute sessions during which patients undergo bronchoscopy (lung endoscopy) under general anaesthetic. Bronchial thermoplasty involves the controlled application of heat to the walls of the airways. This causes the smooth muscles in the airways to regress. These muscles play a key role in the bronchial spasm that occurs during an asthma attack.
Patients experience a significant improvement in their symptoms with bronchial thermoplasty:
- Fewer attacks
- Weaker attacks
- Better coping with everyday stress
- Less need for emergency treatment
- Lower doses of medication