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Clinic and Polyclinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Inpatient treatment

Ward 47

If inpatient admission is required, an experienced team of doctors and nursing staff will take care of you and ensure that your stay goes smoothly. Ward 47 has a total of 28 beds for our inpatients.

Patients with the most severe illnesses in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery are treated in beds at the hospital’s interdisciplinary intensive care units. We also use these ICUs to prevent the severe progression of illnesses through early and intensive observation.

  • At your first appointment in our outpatient clinic, we will schedule an appointment for inpatient admission and discuss whether other examinations or findings are needed. In addition, we will also discuss the surgical procedure and any associated risks. Immediate inpatient admission is generally only required in emergencies.

    On the day of admission, you will check in at our ward. Our nursing staff and the responsible ward physician will conduct the admission interview with you and again ask detailed questions about your health history, pre-existing conditions, previous surgeries, etc. In the afternoon, you will be presented to the clinic director, and the treatment concept or the surgery will be discussed.

    If your surgery is scheduled for the same day as your admission to the inpatient ward, please call the ward office one day before your arrival, at around 3 p.m., to inquire about the exact time schedule of your admission and surgery: +49 (0)941 944-6340

    If special examinations (e.g. lab tests, EKG, lung function test, etc.) or documents are requested by us or by the anaesthesia department when you make your appointment, we urgently request that you have these done and bring the documentation for inpatient admission. Please also make sure to bring along a current medication plan. If you have special medications, it is a good idea to bring your daily dosage for the day of admission. On the days that follow, your medications will be administered to you by the nursing staff as instructed by a doctor. Patients who receive care must be accompanied by the carer on the day of admission to provide the necessary signatures and consent and to discuss the further procedure.

    The daily ward routine includes morning rounds by the responsible ward physician and the senior ward physician. Over the course of the day, the planned surgical procedures, required examinations, aftercare or check-ups are carried out.

    The senior physician rounds take place every Wednesday afternoon. Important questions, problems, additional therapies and treatment procedures can be discussed in greater detail at this time.

    If you have questions or problems, the ward physician and our trained nursing staff are available at all times.