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Registration for congresses / events

DGNN Annual Meeting 2024

12. - 14.09.2024 | 09:00 - 18:00 Uhr

UKR, Großer Hörsaal (A, 1.OG)

Participant Data

Contact Data

Invoice address

More information

** reduced rates valid only with proof of entitlement, details below.

*** registration must be completed using internal email address.

A reduced rate will only be granted with proof of the relevant entitlement. This proof must be submitted directly with the booking. Otherwise the regular price will be charged. When registering with a clearly identifiable student email address no additional proof is required.

Please send us your enrollment certificate by email to kongresse@ukr.de.


Please note that your registration is binding. Upon receipt, you will receive a confirmation by email. If you register for one of our fee-based events, you will shortly receive an invoice for your participation fee.

* This field is mandatory