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Support for visually impaired people

In our outpatient clinic for magnifying visual aids, we look after patients with visual impairments. We support them in choosing the right visual aid and therapy to make everyday life easier and enable them to lead an unrestricted life.

Outpatient clinic for magnifying visual aids

What can I expect in the outpatient clinic for magnifying visual aids?

  • Assessment of the degree of visual impairment
  • Fitting and prescribing magnifying visual aids and familiarising patients with them
  • Testing and comparing magnifying visual aids
  • Testing filter glasses and edge filters
  • Strategies for dealing with visual impairment in everyday life
  • Initiation of rehabilitation training and mobility training


Daily from 09:00 to 12:00
+49 941 944-9282

You can find additional information here:

Contact partner

Yvonne Rudek, Master optician

Prof. Dr. Herbert Jägle, Head of paediatric and neuro-ophthalmology, orbital and hereditary retinal diseases