Visitors are welcome as they can contribute to your well-being and recovery by maintaining contact with relatives and friends! However, please take note of our visiting regulations.
Visiting hours are daily from 01:00 pm to 08:00 pm.
The number of visitors you receive will depend on your health and preference. It is important for you and your fellow patients that visitors behave considerately. During times when you or your bedside neighbour are receiving medical, nursing, or physiotherapy care, it may be necessary for visitors to leave the room.
Having many visitors at once can also be overwhelming in the patient room. In such cases, visitors can use the common areas on the ward or the cafeteria, for example.
Visitors who show signs of respiratory illness are kindly requested to postpone their visit to the hospital if possible. If this is not possible, it is mandatory to wear a medical face mask (surgical mask or FFP2 mask) for the duration of their stay in the hospital.
Intensive care units
The visiting hours for the intensive care units are based on the general visiting hours of the hospital from 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm, but may vary in individual cases, after personal agreement. The duration of the visit is flexible and depends on the needs of your relative.