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DGNN Annual Meeting 2024

Abstract submission

Scientific abstracts may be submitted from now on until July 14, 2024 (Deadline).

Please send your abstracts by email to neuropathologie@ukr.de. You will receive a confirmation of your submission, should you not receive a reply, please contact us.

Formatting requirements

Abstracts must be submitted as word files on a single page and adhere to the following formatting requirements. Images or tables as part of the abstract are not allowed. Abstracts must be written in English.

Poster size allowances: Posters must not exceed A0 format (84.1 cm x 118.9 cm) and have to be printed in portrait format.

Abstract template


Abstract categories

In the cover text of your email please clearly indicate the abstract category your submission should be assigned to. Please select one from the following abstract categories below:

  • Neurooncology
  • Neuroimmunology
  • Muscle/Nerve
  • Neurodegeneration
  • Methods and free topics

Please also indicate whether the abstract is submitted for poster presentation only or for poster presentation/oral presentation.


Review and abstract acceptance

After review the scientific committee will decide on the acceptance of your submission and on whether your abstract is selected for an additional oral presentation. Please note that in case your abstract is selected for a talk you still have to prepare a poster for showcasing at the poster exhibition. Personal presence of the presenting author is required at the specified time during the annual conference.

Accepted abstracts will be published on freeneuropathology.org. The abstract will be published in the form you submitted it. There will be no error correction or revision. The submitter/author is responsible for clarifying any third-party copyrights regarding the contents of the abstract. The submitter/author therefore guarantees that all submitted content is not subject to any third-party rights that would prevent publication.  By submitting the abstract, each author agrees to take responsibility for the content. The authors vouch that the abstract submitted is unpublished and that clinical investigations were carried out with the approval of the ethics committee and animal experiments with appropriate regulatory approval.

Prizes will be awarded for the best three submissions.



The DGNN Meeting 2024 will certified by the BLAEK in Category B with 6 points for whole day and 3 points for half-day attendance.