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Department for Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology

[Translate to englisch:] Endodontische Behandlung am UKR, Zahnwurzelbehandlung

Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology

Endodontic treatment

If you need root canal treatment or endodontic treatment, you are in good hands with us.

Endodontic treatment or root canal treatment deals with the inside of the tooth, especially with diseases of the dental nerves. A tooth that is severely inflamed or has caries requires root canal treatment to relieve pain. The aim is to preserve the diseased tooth.

Since root canal treatment performed with the naked eye has a much lower success rate, we always use a surgical microscope when diagnosing and treating endodontic diseases. The magnification of up to 25x reveals details that are invisible to the naked eye. This enables high-precision work and improves the quality of treatment.

  • Vitality-preserving measures are always necessary if the pulp, the "nerve" of the tooth, is almost or completely opened during caries removal or tooth trauma. We cover the pulp and areas near the pulp with a bioactive capping material to enable healing and protect the pulp from further irritation.

    As well as capping, there is also the option of a pulpotomy. We only remove the inflamed parts of the pulp under the operating microscope in order to keep the unaffected parts of the pulp healthy. This is followed by direct capping with a bioactive material.

  • If the pulp is lost despite vitality-preserving measures, for example due to deep caries or a dental accident, root canal treatment is a reliable way of preserving the tooth.

    We use an operating microscope to remove all the remaining tissue through a small incision and clean all the main and secondary canals with instruments and disinfectant irrigation.

    Finally, the root canal system is sealed with biocompatible materials so that the tooth can remain in the oral cavity and be restored if necessary.

  • Perforations are the connections between the root canal system and the surrounding tissue.

    While extremely deep caries or resorption processes at the tooth root can cause perforations, they can also occasionally occur in the course of root canal treatment or during the preparation of root posts. Whatever the cause, the aim is to completely close the resulting connection with a bioactive cement under the operating microscope. In this way, a tooth has a chance of being preserved despite this complication.

  • Ein Risiko jeder Wurzelkanalbehandlung ist die Fraktur von Instrumenten. Ob das abgebrochene Instrument entfernt werden muss oder ob eine Entfernung möglich ist, ist in jedem Fall individuell zu entscheiden. Zur Einschätzung wird das Operationsmikroskop zu Hilfe genommen. Ist die Entfernung möglich, wird das Instrument mit minimalinvasiven Instrumenten schonend geborgen und die Wurzelkanalbehandlung abgeschlossen, um den Zahn langfristig zu erhalten.

  • Infection of the root canal filling in a tooth that has already undergone endodontic treatment often causes pain and inflammation in the jawbone. These teeth can usually be preserved with a second root canal treatment (revision) with a good prognosis.

    This involves completely removing the bacterially infected filling material from the root canals and thoroughly disinfecting them. The root canals are then filled again and the tooth is restored.

  • Root tip resection (RSR) offers the possibility of preserving an endodontically pre-treated tooth in the event of infection of the root filling material or irregular canal anatomy, which can no longer be successfully treated in the normal way.

    It is particularly useful when parts of the root canal system are no longer accessible through the crown of the tooth due to severe curvature or branching, canal obstructions or broken instruments.

    Apicoectomy involves removing and sealing the inaccessible ends of the roots.

  • Digital volume tomography (DVT) is a 3D X-ray procedure. It is an extension of conventional, two-dimensional X-ray images, which provides a more accurate view of the anatomy of the tooth and the surrounding tissue. This allows a more accurate assessment of the condition and more specific treatment recommendations.

  • Root resorption is the inflammatory dissolution of the tooth root, which often goes unnoticed and is only discovered by chance. It can be caused, for example, by dental accidents or other forms of overstressing the teeth. Treatment is needed to stop the resorption process and preserve the tooth. The aim is to remove the dissolving tissue from the tooth, repair the defect and thus prevent further resorption.

  • If the dental pulp, the " nerve" of the tooth, has been lost, a regenerative endodontic procedure can be used in addition to a classic root canal filling. This so-called revitalisation treatment involves sprouting of the body's own tissue into the root canal.

    This restores the tooth's blood supply and allows it to respond to stimuli in the oral cavity. A synthetic filling of the root canals is then no longer necessary.

    This is especially beneficial for children and teenagers, as their teeth and jaws are still growing and can be completed.

  • Autogenous tooth transplantation is a surgical procedure in which an autogenous tooth is gently removed and transplanted into an existing tooth space.

    Teeth that have no function in their position (e.g. wisdom teeth) or will not remain there (e.g. milk teeth, badly misaligned teeth) are the main candidates. By transplanting teeth at the right time, dentures can be avoided and both the function and aesthetics of the dental arch can be restored.

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