An implantable hearing aid can be the solution if those affected cannot tolerate another hearing aid or if the ear canal is not created.
Best hearing results with partially implantable hearing aids
For patients who have undergone several hearing-improving ear surgeries (tympanoplasty) without a satisfactory improvement in hearing, a partially implantable hearing aid is often well suited. We use the Vibrant Soundbridge system from Med-El. The advantage of this partially implantable system is that the ossicular unit (hammer-anvil-stirrup) is usually retained and the stimulator only needs to be fixed to the anvil and stirrup.
Outer button can be removed at any time
Implanted patients consistently report a natural sound quality without whistling, which in the past was often an indication of a feedback effect. The external audio processor is shaped like a button and contains the microphone, processor, battery and magnets. It can be removed at any time.
Carefree sports and swimming
This means that those affected can do any sport such as cycling, jogging, tennis or golf without any problems. When swimming, they simply remove the outer processor so that it is not damaged in the water.
Special case with missing ossicles
A special situation is the so-called stimulation of the ‘round window’: If the three ossicles are not present due to malformations of the middle ear or had to be removed after previous middle ear surgery, the stimulator can also be positioned directly at the ‘round window’. You can then hear through the ‘round window’ - and not the ‘oval window’ as usual - without having to use an ossicle to transmit sound. The inpatient stay for the procedure usually lasts four to five days.