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Department for Internal Medicine III
Haematology and Internal Oncology

[Translate to englisch:] Hämatologie am UKR

Internal Medicine III


Our specialists in internal medicine specialise in the diagnosis and treatment of all diseases of the haematopoietic system. We work according to the latest medical knowledge and the most recent studies. Patients are cared for by haematology and oncology specialists with many years of experience in their field. For patients for whom standard treatment is not possible, we offer the latest drugs from worldwide research as part of therapy studies.

We are a partner site of the Bavarian Centre for Cancer Research (BZKF) and use all the possibilities of this Bavarian-wide network to improve the care of cancer patients.

In 2020, we became the first Bavarian university hospital to be certified by the German Cancer Society (DKG) as a centre for haematological neoplasia (HAEZ). The term haematological neoplasia covers various malignant diseases of the blood system.