Pituitary surgery is surgery on the pituitary gland (= hypophysis). The pituitary gland is a small but important gland located at the base of the brain that plays a central role in the hormone system. It regulates many bodily functions.
The surgical treatment of tumorous or cystic masses in the area of the pituitary gland always requires close endocrinological care. This is always ensured by close collaboration with colleagues from Internal Medicine I/Endocrinology.
An inpatient stay of seven to ten days should be planned. Short-term disturbances of the water/electrolyte/hormone balance may occur after the operation and may need to be treated with medication. Temporary substitution with low-dose cortisone for about six to eight weeks after the operation ensures that no deficiency symptoms develop. If long-term endocrinological co-treatment is required, a link can be established with the appropriate outpatient clinic at UKR (Internal Medicine I).
We attach great importance to close and trusting cooperation with referring and treating colleagues and are always available to answer questions and receive suggestions.