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Department for Internal Medicine I
Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Infectiology and Rheumatology


Diagnosis & treatment

Our services range from hormone diagnosis, hormone testing, sonography and bone density measurement to diabetes and nutritional counselling.

  • In basal hormone diagnostics, our physicians measure various hormone levels in the blood. They decide which hormone levels to request based on the symptoms described.

    They take a number of factors into account, such as

    • the time of day when the test was taken
    • the medication taken,
    • whether the blood sample was taken on an empty stomach and
    • for women also the day of the menstrual cycle.

    They make only limited use of the reference ranges provided by the laboratory. This is because a value outside the reference range can still be normal, and conversely a value still within the specified reference range can already be abnormal. This is why no reference values are given in the endocrinological report. The findings are assessed on the basis of the data obtained during the consultation.

  • Depending on the results of the basal hormone tests, additional hormone tests may be necessary. These are known as functional tests. Depending on the complexity and potential risks to the patient, these may be carried out on an outpatient basis or as part of an inpatient stay. Outpatient hormone tests include

    • Dexamethasone inhibition test
    • ACTH test
    • CRH test
    • oral glucose tolerance test
    • saline stress test
    • STH suppression test
    • GHRH arginine test.
  • If further hormone testing is more complex or there is a potential risk to the patient, we carry out tests on an inpatient basis.

    Inpatient tests include

    • insulin hypoglycaemia test
    • Metopirone test
    • fasting test
    • thirst test
    • saline infusion test
  • In the UKR ultrasound center, in addition to abdominal sonography for gastroenterology, special ultrasound examinations of the endocrine organs are also carried out. This includes sonography of the

    • adrenal glands
    • thyroids
    • parathyroid glands.
  • Bone densitometry is an X-ray examination that measures the calcium salt content and therefore the bone density in the lumbar spine and femoral necks. Your doctor will decide whether you need this test, for example if you are suspected of having osteoporosis. Patients are referred for bone density testing either by one of our outpatient physicians or by a colleague in private practice.


    Osteoporosis, or bone loss, is a chronic disease in which the bones become porous and fragile and break more easily. Osteoporosis is made more likely by certain risk factors and ageing. It mainly affects older women, but it also occurs in men.

  • Patients with diabetes mellitus need comprehensive diabetes education as part of their initial diagnosis. Patients learn about the specific risks and complications of their disease. They find out what to watch out for in their diet and how to test their own blood glucose.

    Patients who need to inject insulin can practise the correct injection technique and are shown the correct injection sites. We also explain the risks of blood glucose imbalances, coma and hypoglycaemia, and how to manage them.

  • Nutritional counselling at the Centre for Nutrition and Diabetes Counselling (ZED) is aimed at patients with

    • diabetes
    • excess weight
    • lipometabolic disorders
    • food intolerances
    • tumour diseases

    The ZED staff explain the different food components, the distribution of calories and the selection of suitable foods in training sessions. Training can be repeated if necessary.


    Patients with various food intolerances work with the counsellors to develop a suitable diet plan to avoid the ingredients that are not tolerated. Patients with tumour diseases are assisted by the ZED staff to ensure an adequate caloric intake through various measures such as "artificial" nutrition and supplementary nutrition.