General nephrology
In our general nephrology outpatient clinic, we treat patients at all stages of renal dysfunction. This can be acute, temporary kidney damage or chronic, irreversible kidney failure. It can be caused by independent kidney diseases, such as inflammation of the kidney cells (glomerulonephritis), or by organ damage due to diabetes mellitus or high blood pressure.
The basic diagnosis is made using blood and urine tests and an ultrasound scan of the kidneys. A definitive diagnosis can often only be made by a histological examination of the kidney by means of a kidney puncture, which is carried out during a short hospital stay.
At best, kidney function can be restored through targeted therapy. Otherwise, the rapid progression of chronic kidney disease can be slowed by stage-appropriate therapy. In the advanced stage of kidney failure, treatment of secondary complications (anaemia, hyperacidity of the blood, disturbance of blood salts, treatment of oedema) is carried out. At this stage, the focus is also on individual patient counselling and preparation for a suitable renal replacement therapy, such as peritoneal dialysis, haemodialysis or kidney transplantation.