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Nephrological ultrasound diagnostics

Ultrasound plays an important role in the diagnosis of kidney disease. Ultrasound provides a quick picture of various nephrological and urological conditions. Commonly used imaging modalities (e.g. CT or MRI) are not always suitable for kidney patients because of the contrast agents used, some of which are harmful to the kidneys. In many cases, modern ultrasound can provide important information without risk to the patient.

The range of modern ultrasound diagnostics

In the nephrology department, we offer the entire spectrum of modern sonography. One focus is the examination of the kidneys and urinary tract, as well as the sonography of kidney and pancreas transplants. Typical questions for extended sonography are the clarification of renal cysts, renal tumours, infections and renal circulatory disorders (e.g. renal artery stenosis, renal infarction).

  • Renal cysts are the most common circumscribed lesions seen on ultrasound. Simple, uncomplicated ("bland") renal cysts do not require further investigation. Complicated, malignant cystic kidney tumours, on the other hand, require further diagnosis, which in our centre is mainly carried out using (contrast) ultrasound.

  • Solid kidney tumours are common incidental findings on routine imaging. Malignant kidney tumours must be distinguished from benign normal variants (e.g. splenic humps, double kidney systems) or cysts. Renal tumours with a particularly poor blood supply are often difficult to distinguish from benign renal cysts on CT and MRI. Ultrasound and contrast ultrasound have an advantage over CT and MRI because of their excellent local resolution and ability to assess the lesion in all contrast phases.

  • Acute renal circulatory disorders (e.g. renal infarction due to embolism, vascular problems) represent a nephrological emergency as they can lead to immediate organ loss. With the help of ultrasound, and in particular contrast ultrasound, we can detect circulatory disorders quickly and directly at the patient's bedside. We can then initiate the necessary treatment. Narrowing of the renal arteries (renal artery stenosis) is common in patients with hypertension and chronic renal failure and is also initially assessed by ultrasound at our centre.

  • Infections of the kidneys lead to changes in tissue structure and blood flow patterns. Chronic urinary tract infections or pyelonephritis can also lead to abscesses that are difficult to treat. These changes can be seen very well with ultrasound. As sonography is a very gentle examination (no radiation, no contrast medium), it is very suitable for screening and follow-up.

  • In transplantation medicine, ultrasound plays an important role as an initial diagnostic tool. We prefer to use ultrasound for a wide range of questions and necessary procedures because it is less stressful for the patient and, most importantly, does not damage the kidneys.

  • A kidney biopsy may be necessary to diagnose acute and chronic kidney disease. This is carried out during a short stay in hospital under local anaesthetic using ultrasound.

We have all the modern high-resolution sonographic techniques at our disposal to answer these specific questions:

  • Contrast-enhanced sonography can answer many questions by administering contrast media that are compatible with the kidneys. This is particularly necessary if the findings are still unclear after a cross-sectional scan (e.g. CT, MRI or PET-CT).
  • With ultrasound image fusion, an ultrasound image can be compared directly on-screen with existing sectional imaging (e.g. CT or MRI) to help classify unclear findings. This is particularly helpful in the case of complex anatomy or very small lesions.
  • In difficult cases, 3D/4D techniques and advanced blood flow visualisation techniques are used.

In addition, as part of the Interdisciplinary Ultrasound Centre and in collaboration with the Department of Vascular Surgery, we offer the full range of sonography.

You can come to us for the following examinations

  • Sonography of the abdomen and urinary tract
  • Contrast sonography
  • Punctures (biopsies) of the kidneys and kidney transplants
  • Duplex sonography of the peripheral arterial and venous blood vessels
  • Duplex sonography of a dialysis shunt, preparatory sonography for screening suitable blood vessels

High-resolution high-end ultrasound equipment

State-of-the-art high-end ultrasound equipment with high-resolution ultrasound probes is available for the examination. Routine ultrasound machines and the smallest mobile ultrasound machines (POCUS) are used at the bedside and in the dialysis unit.

Research focus: Modern ultrasound methods

As a research focus of our department, the application, development and evaluation of modern ultrasound procedures is scientifically monitored and new methods are developed. We regularly award doctoral theses in this area and take part in relevant conferences.

Together with other clinics and departments, we regularly offer KV- and DEGUM-certified training courses.

Contact & information

Appointments for nephrological ultrasound diagnostics are possible on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 8.00 am to 12.00 pm.

To make an appointment, please contact our staff on +49 941 944-7310 during regular office hours (Monday to Thursday between 8.00 am and 4.00 pm and Friday between 8.00 am and 12.00 pm).

What you should bring to the appointment:

  • Proof of insurance (health insurance card)
  • Medication list
  • Existing images (on CD and report if available)
  • Reports from your medical specialist (if available)

Medical contact person

Senior physician
PD Dr. Franz Josef Putz
Head of Nephrological Ultrasound

+49 941 944-7301