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Vascular Surgery

Renal and visceral arteries

Both stenosing (narrowed vessel wall) and aneurysmal (dilated vessel wall) diseases of the renal and visceral arteries are rare diseases. For this reason, they are mainly treated in vascular centres with the appropriate expertise.

Treatment procedures

In our multidisciplinary vascular centre, we carry out both open surgical and endovascular (through the blood vessels) procedures in the operating theatre and interventional radiological procedures in the radiology department.

We treat:

  • Narrowing of the renal arteries (renal artery stenosis = NAST)
  • Acute or chronic occlusive processes in the visceral arteries (mesenteric infarction, angina abdominalis)
  • Protrusion of renal and visceral arteries


  • Pfister K, Kasprzak P, Oikonomou K, Apfelbeck H, Derwich W, Uller W, Stehr A, Schierling W. Management von Viszeralarterienaneurysmen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Organperfusion – Erfahrungen über mehr als 20 Jahre [Management of Visceral Artery Aneurysms with Preservation of Organ Perfusion: More Than Twenty Years Experience]. Zentralbl Chir. 2018 Oct;143(5):516-525. German. doi: 10.1055/a-0750-6016. Epub 2018 Oct 24. PMID: 30357795.