Vascular Surgery
Sports-associated iliac endofibrosis
Iliac endofibrosis is a very rare disease of the iliac arteries that occurs mainly in cyclists and long-distance triathletes.
Explanation of terms
- iliac means pelvis, endo means inside, fibrosis means scarring and hardening
- Iliac endofibrosis results in thickening of the inner walls of the iliac arteries.
The theory is that the thickening is caused by pressure on the pelvic vessels due to the constant flexion and extension of the hip joint and the aerodynamic position during cycling. This causes small injuries to the vessel wall, which then scar and thicken. This can lead to constriction, which can cause problems during training and competition.
Because iliac endofibrosis is very rare and difficult to diagnose, it often takes years before appropriate treatment is available.
The best treatment is surgery. The principle is to remove the thickened inner layer of the vessel and sew in an expansion strip.